“Managing Our Ability to Deliver Your Wants and Needs”
Service Management is the overseeing of the day-to-day operations, discovering areas requiring process improvement, determining root causes, and making recommendations to ensure that services are delivered to your expectations.
Our team of Solutions Engineers, work together with you to craft solutions that improve service and can lower overall support costs for your infrastructure solutions, all of which help you and your Customers business’s grow. Some basic generic examples are:
Maintenance Services Agreements
When you think about the importance of your communication capabilities to your business and consider all that you have invested in your systems and networking infrastructure, it is easy to see the value of a Maintenance Services Agreement. Put simply, if your communication system fails you are closed for business. A Maintenance Services Agreement is your insurance policy.
Aware of how vital your communication systems are to the success of your business, ITL Technologies provides a comprehensive and flexible maintenance services agreement portfolio. A solution is selected / developed, based on what best meets your unique business needs.
An ITL Technologies Maintenance Services Agreement completes your communication solution with:
- A comprehensive, modular service structure
- Unsurpassed level of service
- Increased system reliability and performance
- Investment protection
- A complete product and service solution from a single source
- Guaranteed peace of mind.
Service Desk Monitoring
The best measure of the success of a Service Desk is client satisfaction.
We believe it is important to have well specified parameters to measure the performance of our Service Desk and the Client experience delivered.
Customisable reports can include information such as:
- The average time taken to respond to requests sent by e-mail, phone or fax
- The percentage of incidents closed at the level of the first line of support
- The percentage of queries responded to in the first instance
- A statistical analysis of the incident resolution times organised according to their urgency and impact
- Compliance with all SLAs
- The number of calls handled by the Service Desk team
Another important monitoring task is that of overseeing the level of client satisfaction. This is achieved by means of surveys allowing the client’s perception of the services provided to be assessed.
One method used closes each incident or query with a series of questions. This allows the client’s opinion about the attention received to be gathered along with his or her satisfaction with the solution offered. All this information can then be compiled and analysed, enabling the quality of service to be continually improved.
Fault Analysis
Fault trend analysis, is another example of a service solution that can be employed to assist in the rectification of situations before they become service impacting issues. This is particularly useful in highlighting situations where resource capacity thresholds are close to be being exceeded.
Account Management
Our team of Account Managers are assigned specific portfolios of Clients to look after. They are responsible for liaising with you for information pertaining to all your Business’s design and works requirements. They will co-ordinate with our Service Delivery team for the execution of the resulting solutions.
Ongoing, the Account Manager will continue to work with you, to develop an understanding of not only your Business today, but the Strategy and resulting business requirements you will have in the future.