History of ITL
With over 25 years’ experience, ITL has established itself as a leader in the Information Technology industry.
Having such a depth of knowledge and experience within the Management Team and staff, has enabled ITL to position themselves as infrastructure specialists. Having worked alongside big names in the construction industry, ITL have become a preferred supplier to many and have worked on significant projects. From the early beginnings in 1986 through to today, ITL has established, retained and continued to develop multiple business relationships.

A New Zealand First : 1990-1991
The first large cabling contract given to a private company was awarded to ITL. This was the then new Children’s Hospital (now Starship). A huge milestone for ITL as a private company. The contract was completed on time and within budget.

Voluntary Work : 1990-1991
As an addition to the then new Children’s Hospital (now Starship), ITL voluntarily supplied and installed the cable and outlets for Radio Lollipop throughout the wards. Even today, ITL continues to demonstrate its commitment by making annual donations to support Starship’s and Radio Lollipop’s ongoing mission.

Tertiary Education : 1993
ITL was nominated by Massey University to cable the new Albany Campus (Oteha Roe) including all underground services. This carried over to ITL being the preferred supplier for on-going communications work at Massey Albany Campus. ITL was also chosen to carry out Fibre Option relocations at Massey Palmerston North Campus, as at that time there was no knowledge available in the region. The relationship with Massey continues today with ITL still the preferred supplier and this was also the beginnings of ITL being sourced nationally.

MAF : 1988-1994
Prior to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries splitting up, ITL carried out work for them from Taupo North, including the Ruakura Research Centre where ITL installed thick and thin Ethernet using revolutionary connectors supplied by AMP.

New Zealand Dairy : 1988-2001
Prior to the amalgamation of the Dairy Board and the New Zealand Dairy Co-op to form Fonterra, ITL carried out work at all dairy factories and Anchormart stores from Taupo North, including the head office in Waikato. ITL still continues the relationship with Fonterra today.

With a history of successful stories behind the company, the continued relationships with clients and the retention of experienced staff is in itself a credit to ITL . Now established in many industries nationally including Education, Government, Transport, Health, Banking and Finance, Retail and Construction and with more recent major projects such as Eden Park and Vector Arena ITL is continually growing the future history of ITL